Monday, April 27, 2020

The FDAs Flawed Procedures in Testing of New Drug Products is Flawless

The FDA's Flawed Procedures in Testing of New Drug Products is Flawless'The Food and Drug Administration's Flawed Procedures in Testing of New Drug Products is Flawless' by Ruth Reichl. The Food and Drug Administration was established in part to safeguard public health and safety. Its duty is to protect the public by testing and approving new drug products before they hit the market. But as I show in my book, the FDA has not done its job properly on many new drugs.As an example, we have seen a massive increase in deaths and related problems such as stroke, heart attacks, and cancer that are attributed to prescription drugs. The reasons for these deaths range from legal as well as illegal drugs being prescribed to improve health and to help a patient get better to making a drug to treat a minor illness without the patient knowing it, or even if they were aware of the medication. It is not just the death rates that I discuss in my book, but also the over exposure of many patients to li fe threatening side effects caused by this toxicity in medications that can lead to their untimely death.For instance, at the time when Hallucinogens were first introduced, drug companies began marketing these drugs for uses such as panic disorders, sleep disorders, and anxiety. These drug companies and their employees injected many patients who were already suffering from depression and anxiety, into a deep trance with very strong dosages of the synthetic compounds so that these drugs could mimic the mood changes and thus help these patients to function better. This treatment was said to be helpful for some patients. But as a result of this misuse of mind altering drugs, many more have died, and many more have suffered.A second example of the misuse of drugs is with the use of nitrates in drugs to treat ulcers. In the case of ulcers, this is because ulcers are asign of heart disease. Drugs were marketed for the sole purpose of giving the ulcer sufferer a better quality of life. Thi s drug class alone accounts for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people each year.A third example of the misuse of drugs is in the arena of how drug companies package and market new drugs. Most are produced in tiny amounts, so that the product would not be at all noticeable, but that is not the way in which these drugs are distributed to the public. For instance, drugs that contain steroids are given a bright green label to promote the drug, while most often they are combined with other colors to increase their popularity.One of the problems is that the FDA does not regulate how these drugs are tested for effectiveness. In fact, the FDA does not test drugs at all. The manufacturer has complete control over all aspects of the testing process. This includes the variety of chemicals used to test the drug, the quantity, the duration, and the results of the tests.The drug industry is one of the richest industries in the world. The manufacturers of all sorts of drugs would be willin g to spend millions of dollars on a test that would prove a drug to be completely safe. Unfortunately, the FDA has failed miserably to oversee this process.

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